Saturday, September 5, 2015

Show #002 - September 2015: A Co-host?

Todd George joins Earl as a co-host of Chicken Lips Radio, and we re-launch!

The new show should publish on a monthly basis. Email address and some other logistics are still in-work, so stay tuned. For now, please send feedback to

Todd is a long-time Commodore enthusiast and has jumped all the way in on the retrocomputing hobby. He introduces us to his background, interest in retro computers and gaming consoles, hardware repair exploits, and the recent dial-up display at the VCF East that launched him into our hobby.

Direct Download HERE

Personal Acquisitions, Interests and Projects

Gotek USB Floppy Drive Emulator for Amiga
Ultimate 1541 II
Forth Programming Language for Commodore 128


New Amiga 1200 Plastic Housings
Commodore 64 Housings from Original Molds
Custom key caps for your Commodore

We'll see you again in October!